“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words”.

I am sure you have seen this quote many times as it means an image can express more than words. But did you know that a picture also has private and confidential information hidden away? I am referring to the metadata embedded in every photo you click with your digital camera or smartphone. One of the components of this metadata is GPS coordinates that tell about the exact location of where the image was clicked on this globe. This article is a guide on how to use the GPS for photos to detect duplicate images using one of the finest duplicate photo finder software, Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro.

Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro – An Amazing Duplicate Photo Finder Based On GPS Settings

Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro is an amazing software that can scan, identify and remove duplicate images quickly and timely. This software doesn’t use name, size, or date as criteria to search for duplicate photos. Instead, it relies on other factors to identify duplicates, even if the images are renamed or compressed:

Comparative Methods

Exact Match = This option on the photo duplication detection tool aids users in getting rid of identically duplicated versions of an image.

Similar Match = Users can delete photographs using the “Similar Match” option if they include some similar elements but are not duplicated. A few options can be changed based on the user’s preferences.

Comparing Levels

Low Matching Level = Choosing this level enables users to find and delete photos with a deep level of variety.

Middle Matching Level = The slider position in the image below is at the default setting for the middle matching level. The resemblance between the two photographs decreases as the user moves the cursor toward the center.

High Matching Level = When the slider is placed to the right, the degree of resemblance is greatly diminished.

Time Interval

By moving the slider between the time gaps between the photographs, search for duplicates. The time elapsed between the two photos is set to 30 seconds by default. The software can locate and list photographs that match at a high rate with one another and were taken in fewer time intervals by moving the cursor to the right.


As its name suggests, this device verifies the embedded coordinates in the images. Five meters is the default value. Geolocation tags on photos can be used to find duplicates.

How To Use GPS Settings To Identify Duplicate Photos

Step 1: Install Duplicate Photos Fixer and run the application.

Step 2: Select Add Photos or Folders. You can also drag and drop folders as an alternative.

Step 3: Click on the Similar Match option on the right side of the app interface.

Step 4: Locate the GPS option and slide the bar toward the left (1 meter) or right (100 meters).

Step 5: Click on Scan For Duplicates Button at the bottom center.

Step 6: Select the Auto-Mark button or preview the photographs and mark the ones you want to remove.

Step 7: After selecting all identical and almost identical photographs, click the Delete Marked option.

On your Windows PC, enjoy a duplicate-free photo collection with the help of this fantastic duplicate photo fixer!

The Final Word On How To Use GPS Settings To Identify Duplicate Photos

I hope you can now detect duplicate photos based on the GPS coordinates of your images using Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro. This app is easy to use and consumes fewer resources on your PC. There are other modules you can also avail yourself of to compare duplicates and remove them.

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