One of the most important tasks that you need to perform on your computer is Data Backup. With all your files and folders turning digital, there is too much of a risk to just store one copy (Original) on your PC and not have any other copy of it elsewhere. Your data includes all your personal files including your memories and your office files as well. It is recommended to have a backup stored in case of accidental delete or system crashes. This article will guide on the steps on how to schedule backup on Windows 10 PC.

Why Right Backup Is The Best Application For You?

Right Backup is a must have application as it not only makes a copy of all your files but also it saves the location or the path of those files as well. When you restore any file from Right Backup, it will be restored in the same location as the original file thus saving time to reorganize all your files. Here are some of the features of Right backup:

Categorized Backup

Right Backup scans your computer and sorts your files into various categories like Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos, Financial Files, eBooks and a general category for all other files.

Restore Anywhere

Right Backup permits you to reinstate your earlier backed up files to a new intended folder or you can opt for the original path.

Backup large files

There is no limitation set by Right Backup on the size of the file that is uploaded provided you have sufficient space allotted to your on the Right backup server.

Also Read: Data Backup, Do it the Right Way!

Multiple Devices

Right Backup is an account based service which means that you can log your account from two or more PCs and back up data from all of them

Safe & Secure

Right Backup uses SSL encryption to save your files which means these files are encrypted before being uploaded and cannot be read or viewed by anyone other than you.

Also Read: 10 Best Online Cloud Backup & Storage Services

How To Schedule Backup In Windows 10 PC Using Right Backup App

Right Backup application boasts to be one of the swiftest and most convenient to use applications that requires no guide or training to operate. Here are the simple steps to schedule backup on Windows 10 PC.

Step 1: Download and Install Right Back Up on your computer from the official website or the link provided below.

Step 2: Launch the app and click on the Setting Tab to schedule backup on Windows 10.

Step 3: Next, click on Schedule sub-tab and you will see that the Auto Schedule is activated.

Step 4: You can change the Schedule as per your discretion and set the backup interval at 6, 9, 12 hours.

Step 5: Then, choose the backup day and the time and remember to keep your PC turned on at the specified time.

Step 6: Click on the Apply button to set your schedule settings.

Now, Sit back and relax as Right Backup will run automatically in the background and take  a backup of your data as per the time set.

The Final Word On How To Schedule Backup In Windows 10 PC Using Right Backup App

The Right Backup application works wonders by saving a backup of our data, while working in the background on a scheduled time. It carries out one of the most important tasks of saving a copy of our data on its servers, to be restored on any device. It is important to save your data and Right Backup is the best way to do so.

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Suggested Reading:

What Data Does Android Automatically Back Up?

How Do I Restore My Android Phone From a Backup?

How To Choose The Perfect Data Backup Plan

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