Contrary to popular belief, running iOS apps on Windows PC or laptop is a tough task, but surely not impossible. Using your favorite app or iOS game on bigger screen certainly feels much better. Unlike other platforms, running an iOS app on Windows machine could be cumbersome. The only way you can do it is, through an emulator.

Emulator is a software that replicates or emulates another machine — which is iOS in this case. Employing an emulator in your Windows PC or laptop would make it work like an iOS platform. There are different iOS emulators available for Windows machines. To run iOS app on Windows machine, we’ll consider one of the most popular iOS emulators, iPadian.

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How to use:

To run iOS apps on Windows PC and laptop, you need to download iPadian on your Windows machine. Make sure to download the software from its official website and not from any third party as they may contain malwares. During the installation, it may need you to install Windows .NET framework. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.

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Once the setup is complete, iPadian will be automatically launched. It shows an interface, which is a cross between Windows and iOS. You can then click App Store icon, and download apps you want to use. though all the major apps like Facebook and YouTube would already be there. Although all major apps like Facebook and YouTube would already be there.

Here, you need to understand the limitations of an emulator. iPadian may be able to run some iOS apps on Windows PC & laptops, but not all as it is not a perfect replica. It has a predefined list of apps available on App Store, which you can download and enjoy.

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Overall, running iOS apps on Windows is a far cry from running them on iOS platform. There are some constraints that can’t be ignored and overseen. You can employ any emulator other than iPadian as it was taken as a reference. Running an emulator on Windows may cause to a system delay as it requires a good amount of machine resources. So, use with caution and enjoy!

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