Merge Cells in Excel

For example, a worksheet contains a balance sheet, a profit and loss account, and a cash flow statement. This data is spread across columns A to H. Hence, to place the title “financial statements” in the center of the data, the cell range A1:H1 has to be merged.

The purpose of merging excel cells is to make the data presentable and readable for the end-user.

Since merging creates a large cell by joining several small ones, the task of resizing individual cells is eliminated. The large cell thus created is displayed across multiple columns or/and rows.

“Merge and center” is an in-built button of merging excel cells placed under the Home tab of Excel. This option merges the cells and not their values. Before merging, it is essential to select the cells to be merged.

The Techniques of Merge Cells in Excel

The different ways of merging cells in Excel are listed as follows:

  • “Merge and center” drop-downCONCATENATE functionAmpersand operator (&)

How to Merge Cells in Excel?

Let us understand how to merge cells in Excel. We discuss the three merging techniques followed by a few more topics. Each topic consists of an example. Thereafter, some relevant examples are taken up.

Method #1–“Merge and Center” Drop-down

The “merge and centerMerge And CenterThe merge and center button is used to merge two or more different cells. When data is inserted into any merged cells, it is in the center position, hence the name merge and center. read more” drop-down consists of various merging options that help combine multiple cells into one. It can be found under the “alignment” group of the Home tab, as shown in the following image.

The different options of the “merge and center” drop-down are explained as follows:

  • Merge and center: This merges the selected cells and places the data string in the center. While merging, it retains the text of the upper-leftmost cell only. The text of the remaining merged cells is deleted.Merge across: This merges across, implying that the selected cells of the same row are joined together. It merges the values of one row at one time. It retains the text of the upper-leftmost cell only.Merge cells: This merges all the selected cells into one single cell. The cells can be selected either horizontally or vertically, or both. It retains the text of the upper-leftmost cell only.Unmerge cells: This unmerges the cells implying that the merged cells are split into separate cells again.

Note 1: The difference between the options “merge and center” and “merge cells” is in the alignment of the merged output.

Note 2: The excel shortcutExcel ShortcutAn Excel shortcut is a technique of performing a manual task in a quicker more for merging (merge and center) is “Alt+H+M+C” and for unmerging is “Alt+H+M+U.” Both the shortcuts must be pressed one by one.

The following table shows the first and the last names in columns A and B respectively. We want to merge the two names with the help of the “merge and center” option.

Method #2–CONCATENATE Function

The CONCATENATE functionCONCATENATE FunctionThe CONCATENATE function in Excel helps the user concatenate or join two or more cell values which may be in the form of characters, strings or more combines or concatenates the content of two or more cells. In other words, the values of several cells are joined together in one cell. This function ensures that no data string is lost while merging cell values in excel.

  • Select the cells A2 and B2, which are to be merged. From the “merge and center” drop-down in the Home tab, choose “merge and center”. A message appears stating that only the upper-leftmost data will be retained. Click “Ok”. The cells A2 and B2 are joined with the name “John” in the center. The output is shown in the following image.The cells A2 and B2 are merged rather than their values. Hence, the text of cell B2 (Abhraham) is deleted while merging cells.

The following image illustrates the CONCATENATE formula for joining the values of cells A2 and B2 with a space in between.

The three parts of the function are explained as follows:

  • Part 1 (A2): This is the first cell reference to be joined.Part 2 (” “): This is the delimiter “space” that separates the values of the two cells.Part 3 (B2): This is the second cell reference to be joined.

Working on the data of example #1, we want to merge the first and the last name with a space in between. Use the CONCATENATE function.

The steps to merge cell values with the CONCATENATE formula are listed as follows:

Step 1: Select the cell C2 in which the output is required.

Step 2: Enter the following CONCATENATE formula in cell C2.


Step 3: Press the “Enter” key. The output appears in cell C2, as shown in the following image.

Hence, the values of cells A2 and B2 are merged.

Method #3–Ampersand Operator (&)

The ampersand operator combines different text stringsCombines Different Text StringsTo combine text from two or more cells into one cell, select the cell to begin with, then type “=” and select the desired cell to combine, then type “&” and use quotation marks with a space enclosed, and finally select the next required cell to connect and press the enter more by the insertion of “&” within the formula. The formula for combining the values of cells A2 and B2 with a space in between is “=A2&” “&B2”

Working on the data of example #1, we want to join the first and the last name with the help of the ampersand.

The steps to merge cell values with the ampersand operator are listed as follows:

Step 1: Enter the following formula in cell D2.

“=A2&” “&B2”

Step 2: Press the “Enter” key. The output appears in cell D2, as shown in the following image.

Hence, the content of cells A2 and B2 has been merged.

The “Unmerge Cells” Option

Once the cells have been merged, they can be unmerged as well. The “unmerge excel cellsUnmerge Excel CellsTo unmerge cells in Excel, first select the cells you wish to unmerge, then go to the Home tab and click Unmerge more” option (under the “merge and center” drop-down) splits the merged cells, thereby returning the initial layout of cells. However, the data values lost in merging are not restored.

Working on the data of example #1, we want to unmerge the merged entries in rows 2 and 4. These entries were merged with the “merge and center” option. Use the “unmerge cells” option for unmerging.

The steps to unmerge data are listed as follows:

Step 1: Select the complete data range A2:B5.

Step 2: Click “unmerge cells” from the “merge and center” drop-down under the Home tab.

Step 3: The cells in rows 2 and 4 have been unmerged. However, the initial data values of column B (shown in example #1) are not restored.

Note: Alternatively, select the merged entries one by one. Thereafter, apply the “unmerge cells” option separately for each entry.

An Alternate Method for Center Alignment

It is difficult to sort (“sort and filter” group of Data tab) merged cells. This is because sorting a merged range in an ascending or a descending order returns a message stating that the cells need to be “identically sized.”

To overcome this limitation, there is an alternate option which does not merge cells but applies the same formatting as the “merge and center” option. In other words, the cells are aligned centrally without any data strings being lost.

The alternate option “center across selection” is available in the “alignment” tab of the “format cells” dialog box.

Working on the data of example #1, we want to apply the same formatting as the “merge and center” option without losing any data. Use the “center across selection” alternative.

The steps to format data with the “center across selection” option are listed as follows:

Step 1: Select cells A2 and B2, which are to be formatted.

Step 2: Press “Ctrl+1” together. The “format cellsFormat CellsFormatting cells is an important technique to master because it makes any data presentable, crisp, and in the user’s preferred format. The formatting of the cell depends upon the nature of the data more” dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

Step 3: Click the “alignment” tab.

Step 4: Select “center across selection” from the drop-down of “horizontal.” Click “Ok.”

Step 5: The formatted output is shown in row 2 of the following image. Hence, the content of cells A2 and B2 is centrally aligned without any loss of data.

The following table shows the monthly sales (in $) for the years 2016 to 2019. Every year written in column A is followed by two blank cells.

We want to merge the year with the two cells following it so that one cell is created for one year.

The steps to merge multiple cells in Excel are listed as follows:

Step 1: Select the cells A2, A3, and A4.

Step 2: Select “merge and center” from the “merge and center” drop-down of the Home tab. In case the message appears, click “Ok” to merge the cells.

Once merged, apply “middle align” from the “alignment” section of the Home tab. Moreover, bold the text “2016.”

Step 3: Keep the cell containing “2016” selected. Double-click on “format painterFormat PainterFormat painter in Excel is a tool used to copy the same format of a single cell or a group of cells to the other cells. You will find it on the home tab in the clipboard more” under the Home tab.

Step 4: For applying the formatting of “2016” to the remaining cells, press the down arrow key. Excel keeps merging the three excel cells for every year till the “escape” key is pressed.

The following table shows the number of units of a particular product sold by the different sales representatives of an organization. In addition, the date of sale (column A) and the respective region (column C) are also displayed.

The cell B2 shows the title of the table, which is not completely visible currently. We want to merge the cells A2:E2 so that the title is spread across columns A to E.

Step 1: Select the cells A2, B2, C2, D2, and E2 to be merged. The selection can be carried out in any of the following ways:

  • Select with the mouse.Select by pressing and holding “Shift” along with the relevant arrow keys.

The same is shown in the following image.

Step 2: Select “merge and center” from the alignment group of the Home tab, as shown in the following image.

Step 3: In this case, Excel will not display the message stating that only the upper-leftmost data will be retained. This is because only cell B2 contains data while the remaining cells (A2, C2, D2, and E2) are empty.

However, if the following message does appear, click “Ok.”

Step 4: The cell range A2:E2 is merged. The title “mobile_sales_data_in_different_region” appears in the center of columns A to E.

To make the title stand out, give it a color.

The following table shows the first and last names in columns A and B respectively. We want to perform the following tasks:

a) Merge the data strings of columns A and B with a space in between.

b) Merge the data strings of columns A and B without any spaces.

a) Step 1: Select the cell C2 in which the formula for merging data strings is to be entered.

Step 2: In cell C2, enter the operator “equal to” (=) followed by selecting cell A2 (the first cell to be combined).

Step 3: Enter the ampersand operator (&) followed by a space enclosed within double quotation marks. Enter another (second) ampersand.

Step 4: Select cell B2, which is the second cell to be combined. After entering the complete formula (=A2&” “&B2), press the “Enter” key.

Step 5: The merged output appears in cell C2. Hence, the first and the last names have been combined with a space in between.

Step 6: Drag the formula to the remaining cells. Hence, the full names (with a space in between) for the entire range (C2:C5) are obtained.

b) We apply the following formula in cell C2.


Press the “Enter” key. Drag the formula to obtain the output in the remaining cells.

The formula merges the values of columns A and B without any spaces between the data strings. The merged output is shown in the following image.

Working on the data of example #8, we want to merge the first and the last name with a space between them. Use the CONCATENATE function of Excel.

Step 1: Enter the following formula in cell I2.


Step 2: Press the “Enter” key. The merged output is shown in the following image.

Hence, the names of cells G2 and H2 are joined with a space in between.

Step 3: Drag the formula to obtain the output in the remaining cells. Hence, the full names (with a space in between) for the entire range (I2:I5) are obtained.

The Limitations of Merging Excel Cells

The drawbacks of merging cells in Excel are stated as follows:

  • While merging with the “merge and center” drop-down, only the upper-leftmost data is retained and the remaining data is deleted.The merging options of the “merge and center” drop-down merge only the excel cells, not their values.Once merged, it becomes difficult to sort data whether in an ascending or a descending order.

Note: It is recommended to use the merging options of the “merge and center” drop-down in worksheets that are just meant for presentation purposes. In addition, limit the usage of these options to headings and cell titles only.

Frequently Asked Questions

This has been a guide to merging cells in Excel. Here we discuss how to merge cells in Excel using CONCATENATE and “&” along with Excel examples and a downloadable Excel template. You may also look at these useful Excel articles-

Merging helps combine the data strings of two or more cells. In the process, a single large cell is created from multiple smaller cells. The goal of merging is to improve the presentation of the worksheet.For example, while storing the contact numbers of employees in Excel, their first and last names (appearing in different columns) have to be merged in one column.The steps of merging excel cells are listed as follows:• Select the cells to be merged.• From the “merge and center” drop-down, choose any one of the three merging options depending on the requirement.• Click “Ok” in the message that appears.The selected cells are merged. The value of only the upper-leftmost cell is retained in the merged output.Note: Before merging with the “merge and center” drop-down, ensure that the entries of all cells are saved in a separate worksheet. This helps retain a copy of the data that is deleted while merging.

The CONCATENATE function and the ampersand operator (&) help merge cells without losing data. The formulas for the same are mentioned as follows:To merge cells A1 and B1 with spaces in between:“=CONCATENATE(A1,” “,B1)” or “=A1&” “&B1”To merge cells A1 and B1 without spaces in between:“=CONCATENATE(A1,B1)” or “=A1&B1”Note 1: While entering the preceding formulas in Excel, ensure that the beginning and the ending double quotation marks are removed.Note 2: The CONCATENATE function can combine up to 255 strings while there are no such limitations with the usage of the ampersand.

The CONCATENATE function and the ampersand operator (&) help merge cells with a comma and hyphen in between. The formulas are mentioned as follows:To merge cells A1 and B1 without spaces but with a comma in between:“=CONCATENATE(A1,””,B1)” or “=A1&”,”&B1″To merge cells A1 and B1 with a comma and space in between:“=CONCATENATE(A1,””,B1)” or “=A1&”, “&B1”To merge cells A1 and B1 with a hyphen in between:“=CONCATENATE(A1,”-“,B1)” or “=A1&”-“&B1”Note: While entering the preceding formulas in Excel, ensure that the beginning and the ending double quotation marks are removed.

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