The National Identification Number (NIN) is a set of numbers assigned to an individual upon enrollment. By now, most Nigerians including you should have a NIN. This number captures your demographic and other data, and ties all records about you in the database. It is important because it can help you verify your identity. In 2020, there was a directive by the government to link every phone number to your NIN.

Doing this further helps everyone with identity verification. Hence, in many cases, a citizen can be properly identified with their NIN. As a result, even cases like fraud tracking or other criminal cases become easier to solve as there’s a central database that houses this information.

There are different ways to link your phone number to your National Identification Number and this depends on the mobile network you use. In this post, we have put together all of the processes to do this. Please check for your mobile network and follow the steps below.

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If you use an MTN number, please follow the steps below to link your National Identification Number to your phone number.

  • Dial *785# using the phone number you want to link to.Enter your NIN number.Select Ok/Reply.

Please follow the steps below if you use the Glo network

  • You’d need to send a text message.Type in “UPDATENIN NIN FirstName and LastName”.Send to 109.

Please follow the steps below if you use the Airtel network.

  • Dial 1211# with the phone number you want to link toEnter your NIN number.Tap Ok/Send.

If you’re on the 9Mobile network, please follow the steps below to link your National Identification Number to your phone number.

  • Dial 2008# with the phone number you want to link to.Enter your NIN number.Tap Ok/Send.

If you use more than one phone number, you can connect all of them to your NIN following the process above. Let us know in the comments section if you were able to do this. And if not, we’re happy to help out.