As Alexa was introduced some time ago, there are some issues in it, but if you are curious enough to check what Alexa is capable of, let’s get started!
Note: Users outside the US using Alexa might need to change system language.
Note: Once the app is installed, it will get Microsoft Visual C++ 2015, in case your system doesn’t have it!
Customize Settings To Use Alexa:
- To get Alexa app on Windows 10 taskbar, follow these steps:
- Go to start menu and click on Settings.
- Now click Personalization.
- Click taskbar and then click on “Select what icons appear on the taskbar”. Look for Alexa and enable it.
Which feature works and which doesn’t?
If your PC doesn’t come under officially supported models or you have custom firmware for Alexa, you won’t be able to wake Alexa through voice will not work.