Multiple pieces of research have been conducted on Cellphone usage & its adverse effects on people for so many years. Although the issue isn’t something new, its expansion can lead to poor psychological and physiological health problems, which have urged the need to write this article.

Over the past five years, Google Trends shows that searches for ‘Cellphone Addiction’ have risen significantly. The trend has introduced the world to new terminologies, such as:

  • Nomophobia = Fear of going out without a smartphone.
  • Phantom Vibrations = Fear that you can’t send or receive text messages.
  • Textaphrenia = Constant feeling that your mobile is alerting you when, in reality, it isn’t

As much as the cellphone is a great way to keep your life organized & on track, these smart devices have also been linked to being responsible for increasing health issues.

Check Below The Major Symptoms Of A Cellphone Addict

This is how you can check if you are suffering from smartphone addiction or not.

  • Whenever you try to curb your phone usage, you relapse quickly.
  • Regardless of whether it’s checking Social Media, watching videos, or checking the latest buzz, you spend a lot of time on your phone.
  • Reaching out to your Mobile is the very first thing you do right after awake.
  • You feel a constant need to use a mobile phone more often.
  • You become anxious & start feeling stressed, agitated whenever your phone is out of reach.
  • Other people always complain about you living on the smartphone.

Harmful Impacts Of Mobile Phone Addiction

Excessive smartphone usage seems harmless for some, but there are a plethora of adverse effects of overuse.

1. Bad Effects On Studies

Extreme smartphone usage is probably the primary reason teens & kids get tired when studying. Most of the time, they are seen playing games, chatting about getting more likes and shares on their posts & watching videos on YouTube. This causes distraction and leads to poor concentration levels & fatigue.

2. Accidents

It might be hard to believe for some, but most of the accidents that happen daily have seen a rise because of Mobile phones. Constant cellphone usage, be it capturing selfie while on the hill or texting/calling someone while driving, increases accidents.

3. Information Overload

Excessive Internet surfing, watching videos, and playing games for hours can significantly affect your daily productivity. Constant new feed checking and consuming baseless content can hamper real-world relationships, pursuing hobbies, and maintaining work-life balance. Being on smartphones has made people trying outrageous Social Media Challenges that would make you question logic and sanity.

4. Virtual Relationships

Today, online friends have become more important than real-life friends. And it’s all because of excessive Social Networking sites, dating apps & texting platforms. Although these web solutions invite great new ways to meet people, chat with old friends, it is certainly not a healthy substitute for real-life interactions.

5. Increase In Anxiety & Stress

The more phone usage, the greater is the level of anxiety. Lately, several researchers have indicated that phones’ maladaptive use has severe effects on eye/neck strain. Attempts to read small texts have increased many concerns related to mental health, reduced happiness, and well-being.

6. Irregular Sleep Patterns

Smartphone addiction is highly responsible for disrupting sleep patterns, resulting in a severe impact on overall mental health well-being. Less sleep can affect memory and the ability to think precisely. Moreover, sleeping less reduces cognitive skills and leads to poor work performance.

7. Weight Gain

Now that you know that blue light blasting out from your phone hampers your sleep routine. You should know that these disruptions are also responsible for preventing your body from producing hunger hormones – ghrelin and leptin. So, you mess with your appetite; hence, you should turn off your phone at least one hour before you hit the bed. Make sure you try these Gizmos that can help you get better sleep.

An Ultimate Solution To Curb Mobile Addiction – Social Fever: App Time Tracker

To restrict cell phone usage, you need to spend quality time with your friends, family & loved ones. You should make a pact ‘No Mobile Phones At The Dinner Table.’ Make sure you spend more time pursuing your favorite hobby. Limit the phone usage in such a way so that you can take care of your ear & eye health as well.

With that being said, you can rely on Social Fever, an easy-to-use phone usage tracker app with unlimited benefits that ensure you stick to all the points aforementioned. The Free Android app has gained massive popularity in the market regarding being a helping hand to beat Smartphone & Social Media Addiction. Get it now for your Android devices from the download button given below.

  • Pick Up Your Interests

The phone usage tracker gives you the ability to set your offline interests & it keeps reminding you to take some time off to pursue your favorite activities. You can select any rejuvenation activity you are fond of & track it down daily. Add it under your name on the Quality Time section and get the Do Not Disturb mode for the assigned period.

Pick Up Your Interests

  • Set Screen Time For Each App You Use

Social Fever allows you to track your app usage and ensure you spend a limited time duration using your favorite Social Media Apps & others. The default time limit is set to 30 minutes, but you can edit each app’s duration. Whenever the time limit exceeds, you’ll get alerts to stop using it.

Set Screen Time For Each App You Use

  • Eye & Ear Health Tracking

Eye & Ear Health Tracking

You can rely on this module when you want to track the amount of time you’ve spent looking at the screen and listening to music with headphones.

  • Keep Tracking Quality Time

Using this module, you can undoubtedly set preferences of your Quality Time that you can spend with your Family, maintain Sleep time, Morning walks, get some Creative work done & more. This is probably one of the best tools to execute digital detox.

Keep Tracking Quality Time

  • Water Reminders

The feature is handy. It reminds you to drink a glass of water. Social Fever aims to ensure users are hydrated and consume a sufficient amount of water during the day. Every time you drink water, just register it in the Social Fever app, make sure you at least gulp 15 glasses of water in a day.

Water Reminders

Just install the app & observe how it helps you to curb smartphone and social media addiction. Doesn’t require any sign-up or registration. Enjoy the application on the latest Android OS.

Social Fever – Take A Smartphone Addiction

Apart from Social Fever, more phone usage trackers can help curb your addiction. You can check out the complete list of the most popular options right here!


Happy Digital Detoxing! 

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