If you’ve landed on the error page saying, “Action Blocked, This action was blocked. Please try again later. We restrict certain content and actions to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”  We are presuming that you have performed certain actions that don’t comply with Instagram guidelines. 

But, if it makes you feel any better, you are not alone in this situation! Recently, Instagram has been blocking users from performing particular actions at specific times. Now the question is Why is Instagram blocking users? How can you prevent being banned? And how can you remove action blocked on Instagram error?

So, let’s begin!


PART 1: What Exactly Is Action Blocked On Instagram? THE ARTICLE CONTAINS

PART 2: Types Of Action Blocked On Instagram

PART 3: How To Remove ‘Action Blocked On Instagram’ Issue: Best Ways!

PART 4: Frequently Asked Questions: Action Blocked On Instagram

PART 5: Bottom Line 

PART 1: What Exactly Is Action Blocked On Instagram?

Whenever ‘this action was blocked on Instagram’ error appears on your screen, it means the platform is blocking you from performing either of the actions:  Like, Comment, Follow or DM users.

This error message, certainly pops-up when: You have spammed a particular feature too much, and hence Instagram thinks that you’re a bot. The platform temporarily bans you from completing actions, since they are against the guideless.

The following actions can lead you being blocked by Instagram:

  • You are following/unfollowing too many people.
  • You’ve commented on the same piece of content under several posts.
  • You have liked many pictures in a very short duration.
  • You have been Direct Messaging too many accounts simultaneously.
  • You’re using a third-party Instagram tool to perform certain actions.
  • You are relying on a bot to automate liking, commenting, following or unfollowing.

If you’ve undergone any of these activities, chances are your Instagram account gets blocked temporality & you get restricted for performing specific actions.

PART 2: Types Of Action Blocked On Instagram

You can witness the following types of Action Blocked:

  • Temporary Action Blocked

One of the most common types of Instagram blocks that it expires pretty fast. The best ways to resolve this type of temporary ban are listed in the next part. 

  • Action Block With An Expiration Date

This type of Instagram action blocked error, comes with a timestamp, stating when exactly the block period is going to expire.

  • Action Block Without An Expiration Date

This is one of the worst types of Action block since it doesn’t show any expiration date. It means the ban could last from several hours to weeks. Follow the guide below to remove Instagram action blocked error from your device.

PART 3: How To Remove ‘Action Blocked On Instagram’ Issue: Best Ways!

These are a few effective tips, you can implement when your action gets blocked on Instagram:

#Tip 1 – Reinstall Your Instagram Application

The very first thing you can try to remove action blocked on Instagram is to uninstall the Insta app from your device & clean all the previous data. Then, reinstall the application from the official application store and check if everything works fine.

#Tip 2 – Report The Problem

If you believe you haven’t done anything wrong, then go ahead report the problem to Instagram. When you receive the Action Blocked error message, tap on the Tell Us button & write to Instagram about the mistake they did. After you tap the Tell Us button, Instagram would take you through the email to complete security info & then asks you to send your Photo for verification purpose.

Once you complete the process, your account would get activated in a few hours or might take days.

#Tip 3 – Access Instagram From A Different Network

Instagram has blocked your IP Address, so the best bet to operate your account is by switching to a data network. Use Mobile data, instead of WiFi. The process of switching to Mobile Data might vary from device to device. But after, killing all the opened apps on your mobile. Open the Settings app > Turn off the WiFi toggle > Turn on the Cellular/Mobile Data toggle.

Now, launch the Instagram app to see if you are still witnessing the Action Blocked error.

#Tip 4 – Let Instagram Know You’re A Real Person

Maybe, Instagram thinks that your account is bogus & perhaps run by a bot. In such cases, the best way to win the trust back is to show your presence to the social networking service. For a start, link your Insta account to other social network platforms. It enhances your credibility!

To link your Insta account to your other social media profiles, Launch Instagram app > tap on the Profile tab, at the bottom-right > three-horizontal lines (icon) > Settings > Account > Linked Accounts. Start linking your Instagram profile with networks such as Facebook, Twitter & more.

#Tip 5 –  Switch Devices

If you really need to access your blocked Instagram account quickly, then you can try operating your profile using a different device. Switching to a different device, sometimes helps to ditch the Action Blocked On Instagram error.

Read our complete guide on How To Use Multiple Accounts With Instagram?

#Tip 6 – Unlink Yourself From Third-Party Apps

If you are using a third-party app to follow or unfollow multiple users at once, then remove them from your smartphone right away. If you are guilty of using apps that bring lots of likes & comments on your pictures in exchange for money or filling surveys, then stop using them immediately.

These Instagram tools might boost engagement on your profile, but they might result in getting the ‘Action Blocked On Instagram’ error.  multiple

PART 4: Frequently Asked Questions: Action Blocked On Instagram

Q1. Why Am I Getting Action Blocked On Instagram?

You might already be aware of the fact that spamming is a huge problem on Instagram. The photo-sharing platform is packed with millions of spammers, dead accounts, bot profiles & self-promoters. That’s why you need a good Instagram Cleaner Too – SpamGuard that comprehensively scans your profile to detect and eliminate fake, inactive, non-mutual accounts and their irrelevant comments, photo tags & DMs. The web-app works with an anti-spam monitor that protects your account from unwanted information noise and will only see the content for which you once registered on Instagram. 

To prevent spammy & harmful activities. Instagram blocks users with this type of Action Blocked errors. While the issue seems a lot annoying, but it helps the platform to eliminate spammy accounts & keep the community safe. Read our guide to ‘How To Get Instagram Account Back After Being Disabled?”.

Q2. How Long Does Action Block Last On Instagram?

‘Instagram Action Blocked’ issue, typically lasts from 24 to 48 hours. But, if you continue to misuse the application with certain actions, you may get blocked for a longer each time. Beware, Instagram might even delete your account.

Q3. How Do I Get Unblocked On Instagram 2020?

Still blocked, even after a week of laying low? Well, if you’ve tried all the methods mentioned above & nothing helped to resolve the ‘Instagram action blocked’. The final step is to contact Instagram support about the issue. We can’t give you the precise timeline when you will be unblocked, but reaching out to customer support, Does Work!

PART 5: Action Blocked On Instagram: Resolved!

There are times when you don’t have any idea of what action of yours resulted in getting your Instagram account blocked. Often times, the mistake is very minute or even unintentional. So, make sure you adhere to Instagram Guideless & the points mentioned below:

  • Complete Your Instagram Profile Information.
  • Keep Your Instagram Account Active By Posting Regularly.
  • Don’t Post A Single Post Multiple Times.
  • Avoid Posting Inappropriate Content.
  • Stop Direct Messaging Unsuitable Content.
  • Avoid Operating Your Insta Account From Multiple IP Addresses.

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